Hearing Aids
As an independent hearing clinic we are not owned by a hearing aid manufacturer. This means we are free to choose the most suitable hearing solution for you from a complete range of hearing aid manufacturers.
Tauranga Audiology has a full range of hearing aids from Oticon, Phonak, Resound, Siemens, Unitron, Widex and other hearing aid manufacturers. All the hearing aid brands have a wide range of physical styles, colours, and models. Any manufacturer discounts will be directly passed on to you.
We encourage you to compare hearing aid quotes. When getting quotes ask for the exact make and model, as it is important to compare apples with apples. We can generally offer the same hearing aid for a better price.
Styles of Hearing Aids.
Hearing aids come in all sorts of shapes and sizes with different advantages, depending on features, the size of your ear, dexterity, and hearing loss. We have everything and will help you choose what is best for you.

Hearing in noise
Hearing aid microphones automatically go directional when they detect a noisy situation to focus directly on the person in front in a crowded room and/or search the room for voices, for example playing bridge or around the dinner table. Each brand has different strategies, so it is important for us to advise you from a wide choice.

Increasingly there is the use of artificial intelligence, we have aids that understand voice commands and translate 27 languages, monitor general health, social interaction, even phone loved ones if you have a fall.

Bluetooth and accessories
We also have rechargeable hearing aids using built in lithium batteries but of course you need to remember to pop them in the charger every night.
Remote Programable
We can also remotely program some hearing aids, so you do not need to come in to see us for adjustments. For example, during the Covid-19 lockdown we were able to adjust hearing aids for a man trapped in Australia, using his cell phone App.
Cost of Technology
It is important to understand that these features are to entice you to spend more money. You can trust us to give you honest advice what is best for you, many choices are mutually exclusive. For example, the very smallest aids may sacrifice technical features, ease of use, and are not rechargeable. We negotiate hard with manufacturers to get the best prices, and we keep our overheads low to help you afford a level of technology that helps you the most.